I have spent the morning experimenting... and now have a new Lemon Whoopie Pie. Delicious! The citrussy tang really goes with slightly-strawberry buttercream, and gives a really refreshing flavour. Success! Reviews from tast testers (watch out neighbours!) and pictures will follow shortly...Next on the agenda are fiddling around to get Mocha Whoopie Pie right, and planning next trip out for icing and other decorating supplies... Such a magpie sucker for the stuff, but it's oh so glittery!
And we're off! Preparations are underway for a Whoopie Pie invasion in Brighton this weekend... suppliers have been raided and new recipes are being tested - Polly's Patisserie is all set to spread the Whoopies!
We're going for 4 varieties to start with: original (slightly chocolate); Strawberry and Vanilla Whoopie Pie; Lemon and Blueberry Whoopie Pie; and Mocha Whoopie Pie.
Spent another lovely morning at Chatawak sourcing edible glitter, heart punches, various colour dusts and other treats...
And then returned home and made myself a nifty little spreadsheet to calculate ingredient costs and other bits and pieces. On the nerdy side, but I do so love a spreadsheet!
I was a bit disappointed when I emerged from nerddom to discover the sun and warmth has been eclipsed by a monster of a sea mist, but hey, it cleared up in time for a lovely (nearly) summer evening.
And so... let the baking begin!
Having finally got round to creating a blog, it's taken me two days to get time to actually write on it... and now that I'm here, what do I write?! Over the last few days I've had loads of times I've thought 'ooh, that would be a good thing to blog' and naturally, now, I've either forgotten or it's not relevant.
Anyway, my day today.... has mostly been spent baking Whoopie Pies. Oh yes, they have well and truly landed (in my tummy anyway). They're great - reasonably simple to make, and very tasty too. Rumoured to be a replacement for the cupcake - and I can see why. No icing-up-your-nose incidents as I've heard cupcakes can cause.
I made the original flavour Whoopie Pies today - quite similar to a sponge cake batter, with buttermilk and salt added. Filled with buttercream, as personally I'm not too sure about the marshmallow filling thing.... then got carried away with icing on top, silver balls, edible glitter and stars and butterflies (from Chatawak, a great cake stuff shop not a million miles from me - spent far too long in there going 'ooh sparkly')
Then once iced I spent hours hanging round the kitchen waiting for the sun to shine to get some decent photos... that was fun. It finally came out about 6.45pm when I was at a 4 yr olds birthday party about 5 miles away.

Have a look at the website for other Whoopie Pies and a bit about their history.Will try and pin down the recipe I used and post it here tomorrow.